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Busy Busy Busy


March is traditionally a mad month for our survey teams. As government departments and corporate companies come to the end of their financial year there is a rush to use up budgets and survey work is often a good way to do it. With good organisation and time management Storm Geomatics provide realistic timescales and project schedules to meet our client?s demands. If only it was March every month!

Surveyors have been out surveying six gravel pits near Norwich which have recently been acquired by Anglian Water. Surveyors will perform volume calculations of the pits which will be used to make an assessment on their future use. Surveyors have taken great care to pick up a high density of points ensuring greater volume accuracy, we know how valuable water is and every little helps! The boat team trialled a new electric outboard during the survey in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions and pollution to the water. It performed well and powered the boat along at a good walking pace. It did use three 110Ah marine batteries a day though!

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Storm brings in the Big Guns…

A multifaceted survey required experienced leadership during May, Senior Surveyor Laurence Washbrook lead this project to co-ordinate a topographic,...

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