Training – Brand New Leica Viva equipment
Snow in the week leading up to Christmas gave most parts of the country a seasonal feel. Rivers and lakes froze and gave Storm Geomatics the perfect opportunity to take a days training on their brand new Leica Viva equipment. The team can be seen in the photo to the right, proving the kit does work in -5 degrees C! The new survey gear will keep the company working to the very highest accuracies and improve productivity as faster processors, quicker motors and improved algorithms go to work in the field. On the subject of training, Mike Hopkins (Managing Director) took up the opportunity to go on one of the very last “Train to Gain” government financed courses to be run in the country. Mike went on a “Management Development Programme” to brush up and learn more business skills; the course was useful and revealed areas for improvement for the business and its goals.
Surveyors escaped the early snow in the month and successfully completed a range of water based projects. Work was carried out around two Mills in the Cotswolds to update current survey records and monitor structural movement of weirs.
Storm Geomatics have also been surveying two flood storage areas in Aylesbury this month. The areas total 110 acres and a detailed topographical survey is being carried out in order to recalculate the storage capacity and assess the condition of the defence crest levels.
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