Heavy Snow
Heavy snow brought most of the UK to a stand still in early January but Storm Geomatics braved the elements and moved their schedule around to mobilise on projects with less snow. It was still cold though! One of the diesel cars coughed and spluttered down the road as the -15 degrees C turned the fuel to jelly. In the picture on the right, surveyors are recording levels on the Stanford resevoir spillway where it falls into the River Avon, not on this day though as it was frozen solid!
When the thaw came surveyors went up to Hutton-le-Hole in North Yorkshire where Hutton Beck passes through the typically quaint Yorkshire village. This is part of a series of surveys in villages in Yorkshire where models of the floodplain and river channel are formed for high accuracy flood analysis.
Survey teams also carried out local surveys in Oxfordshire for the Environment Agency and two flood risk assessments (FRAs) in Wales. One of the FRAs in Wales proved the property to be in flood zone 1 and not flood zone 3 as declared by the indicative flood plain map. This will raise the value of the property and reduce insurance premiums.