Make hay while the sun shines
What a month for Storm![nbsp] With projects piling high the teams have been really busy recently in what is usually a ‘quiet’ time of the year, with projects in the Peak District, Cardiff, Hertfordshire, Cumbria, Southampton, Newark and the list goes on! [nbsp]The weather has been dry and warm so the working conditions have allowed our surveyors to efficiently progress and deliver on time.
Three teams completed an interesting bathymetric and topographic survey at Roath Park in Cardiff, two land teams and one boat team.[nbsp] The survey was to enhance a 10 year “reservoir” inspection so the structural integrity of the impounding structure could be assessed.
Another team set off for Willow Beck, North Yorkshire. [nbsp]This survey data will be used to manage flooding in the North Allerton area and involved 180 river cross sections that were completed over a three week period.
When projects are finished Storm like to send clients three very short quality related questions to answer. Proud to say Storm have been getting some brilliant feedback, which really helps with team morale and proves that all the hard work pays off. It also helps to ensure that Storm provide the best value data possible with the most relevant information for a project.
On the hottest day of the year Storm Geomatics set up stand for the second year exhibiting at Rail Live 2017.[nbsp]
Storm undertook the geospatial planning of the big outdoor show Rail Live, with over 200 pitches accurately planned and annotated.[nbsp] Over 6,000 visitors passed through the gates over the two days of the show which was a brilliant achievement by the organisers. Storm had a stand at the show with some innovative water based solutions on display and attracted a lot of interest from visitors. Further business relations have been cemented at the show which provide Storm with more opportunity to reduce the effects of flooding – this time across railway infrastructure.